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The test of composite

Composite materialsBy two or more materials together.Will different material combinations can produce some of the special material performance, for example, in a particular direction of high stiffness and strength, but also can make it lightweight, and unlock the doors of the new application field.

Fiber composite materials have new USES in many different products, it addedComposite testingThe importance of.The airbus A380, the A350 and Boeing 787 aircraft are currently in the field of civil aviation with high proportion of carbon fiber composite materials.BMW I3 and I8 vehicle chassis completely made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) materials, very light, two people can be raised.In the racing world, fiber composites has been a standard material has a history.Various types of composite materials are used in large wind turbine blades.Unidirectional fiber composite materials can absorb centrifugal force, the surface USES the multidirectional fiber composite materials, the overall structure design of sandwich composite materials.Composite material is also used in medical industry, such as the application in the prosthesis;in身体构造中,复合材料如同多层材料一样作为搭桥材料,以及应用在创面工程材料中。

The test of compositeComposite material typeComposite testing requirementsModular test systemThe user programComposite material manual

The application of material test sample

Tensile test
Of monofilament, fiber bundles, a one-way/multidirectional laminate for tensile test, and notch tensile test and bolt connection laminate tensile test.
To tensile test
The compression test and gap compression test
Transverse load compression, compression, shear load combination load compression test, hole specimen compression (OHC), fill in the hole compression (FHC)
To the compression test and gap compression test
After the shock compression test (CAI)
The test was used for characterization of the plane or a car in was hit by a bird or stone, or damaged material damage in the accident.
To the compression test after impact (CAI)
Bending test
ISO 14125, ASTM D7264
Bending test (three point and four point bending) determination of important mechanical properties.
To bend test
For the service and validation
ASTM E1012, ISO 23788, Nadcap audit standard 7122
Composite test for the test of shaft of the high accuracy requirement.
To the service and validated
The interlaminar shear strength of ILSS
ASTM D2344, ISO 14130 and EN 2377, EN 2563
Describes the shear strength between composite laminate, use short beam shear test to determine.
To the interlaminar shear strength ILSS
Lap shear strength test
Shear test can be used to compare bond strength of the laminate.
To lap shear strength test
The IPS test (in-plane shear)
The unidirectional laminate plus or minus 45 ° direction stretch or compression test material can be used to measure the in-plane shear properties.
To the IPS test (in-plane shear)
V-shaped incision beam shear test
Used for testing sample in-plane shear properties.
V-shaped incision beam shear test
Energy releasing factor (G)
Energy releasing factor is one of the fracture mechanics characteristic value, usually measured crack extension (type I) and shear crack (type II).
To the energy releasing factor (G)
Dynamic loop test method
Used for testing sample, durability of the structure and components.
To the dynamic cycle test method

Composite material type

  • inFiber composites, the fibers are embedded in the matrix, it constituted a fiber - matrix system.Fiber can have one or more specific orientation.
  • Sandwich structureBy the superposition of different number of layers.Three layer is a special case, two layer are the same outer layer, therefore is called composite sandwich structure.
  • Sandwiches sandwich materialsIs usually as a lightweight structural materials.The middle tier structure is usually foam or honeycomb structure, which is also calledHoneycomb composite materials.

Composite testing requirements

Among various kinds of technology application can use a variety of composite materials, such as:

  • Glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP)
  • Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP)
  • Aramid fiber reinforced plastic (AFRP)
  • Natural fiber reinforced plastics (NFRP)

Fiber composite material contains fiber for long or short fibers, such as: and as the substrate of synthetic fabric guarantee bond strength.

Material characteristic curve of the fiber and matrix materials and choose the basically all the fiber orientation decided by weaving structure.In the test, the unidirectional laminate composites and multidirectional laminated composites have a significant difference.

Material test, usually involving a variety of different test load on the standard sample loading conditions.This is because the mechanical properties of composite materials is closely related to fiber orientation, tests must impose a variety of test on different sample load type, such as fiber orientation force direction parallel or perpendicular experiment.

Relevant test standard in addition to the international standard (ISO), and national and regional standards (e.g., ASTM, EN, DIN) and company standards (e.g., AITM airbus, Boeing BSS).It covers more than 170 kinds of test standard, describes the experiment of about 20 kinds of general methods.

Parts, components and overall structure test, the need to sample conforms to the real working condition of load.Strength, impact energy absorption and material fatigue and life is the key of the assessment.

Direction of the fibers in composite materials for test force and shear force are sensitive, accurate load test load must be at a predetermined direction.Test of axial error is called the neutral, request tolerance zone is very narrow.ZwickRoell可以提供符合试样形状尺寸的特殊测量装置,用于测量对中性。试验机的试验轴则由机械对中装置对中。

Modular test system of the composite material

Large test laboratory have appropriate high throughput rate, usually based on different test method and the use of many different large material testing machine, to minimize replacement time and cost of the jig.Standardized test methods can be classified into the following load range:

  • Biggest test force 1 kN: bending test, energy release factor, monofilament tensile test
  • Biggest test force 10 kN: shear test (e.g., IPS, ILSS, v-shaped incision beam shear test), fibre bundle tensile test, one-way layer material 90 ° direction tensile test, thickness direction (the Z axis), tensile test
  • Biggest test force 100 kN: one-way layer material 0 ° direction tensile test, the thickness of the thinner multidirectional layer material tensile test, in accordance with ISO, ASTM and EN standardsCompression testAnd gap compression test, the bearing capacity test
  • Test force greater than 100 kN: airbus standards corresponding to the thickness of the laminate tensile and compression after impact test, compression test

Throughput is not big enough or if the test is not stable, purchase more than one machine is not economic, another alternative is to purchase a suitable for as many test methods of material testing machine, and try to reduce work load change of jig.

ZwickRoell according to the above requirements, the concept of modular design and developed various models of electronic universal material testing machine electro-hydraulic servo fatigue machine.The modular system obvious advantages: all of the fixture, tooling, stretch, test software, protection device and the environment temperature box are modular, very suitable for work together.Furthermore, because all module components can upgrade respectively, the test system is ready for the next generation of test requirements.

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  • Industry handbook: composite materialsPDF7 MB

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