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Automatic test system roboTest X

Automated tests for special applications
  • general
  • parts
Test type
  • The tensile
  • The compression
  • bending
  • Special applications

Automatic test system roboTest X

Automatic test system roboTest X covers special applicationA custom solution.

The automatic test system application examples include:

  • Iron ore pellet compression test
  • Refraction, reflection test plastic panel
  • The surface roughness measurement
  • Used as elastomer sample sample cutting machine


  • Elimination of the influence of the operator (hand temperature/humidity, sample insert eccentric or tilted, etc.), so the test result can be high.
  • Easing the burden on laboratory staff daily repeat operation, so it can focus on more complex tasks.
  • Testing machine can be used in idle time (lunch and night shift), thus improve the full production capacity and speed up the results generated.
  • The experimental system reduces the test cost of each sample, usually in one to two years to pay the cost.
  • The system support reliable documentation records and long-term monitoring.

AutoEdition3 automatic test software

AutoEdition3 automatic test software is the core of the automatic test system.The software control, regulating and monitoring all automation process, components and equipment.

AutoEdition3 automatic test software combined with our testXpert test software, to provide the result of the traceability and tamper-proof.autoEdition3采用与testXpert用户界面一致的外观,用户从一开始使用就可以体验到直观操作的好处。


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Please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to your requirements are discussed.

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